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Tuesday 28 September 2010

Going After the Competition With SEO

No matter what business you're in, there is one common factor all businesses share:

they have competition. Sure, the exception is the monopoly, but you would be hardpressed

to find any form of true monopoly on the Internet. More likely you will find

that there are at least a few, and perhaps as many as hundreds, of competitors all

scrambling to get to the top. If you have an Internet business, you're one of them.

And for you to be successful, you must know how to successfully compete. It's a

game with very real consequences, and winning is the ultimate goal.

Search Engine Optimization is one way you can effectively compete with others in

your market. But the only way you can even start to compete with them is to know

them. You have to know your competition as well or better than you know your own

company. And, fortunately, there are ways you can do this.

First of all, to know your competition you will need to visit them. Search for all the

sites you can find that may be doing the same thing you are, and then visit each

one. Pay careful attention to the results at the top of the search engine list. These

are the highest ranking sites, and you will want to find out what got them there.

When you go to each site, take notes on layout, content, obvious keywords, and any

other things about the site that may make it more visible than yours in searches.

Once you've gotten through all of the sites and reviewed the results of your study,

look for ways to enhance the quality of your own site. Consider different types of

content, better or more keywords, and any other additions that will make your site

as good or better than the competition. Remember, too, that this is not something

you can do one time and leave it alone. You will want to do this as frequently as

possible to keep on top of the game.

Besides looking to others for ideas, also think of ways you can enhance your site that

others have not tried. Innovation is what will set you above the rest. It doesn't hurt

to add an innovation to your site to test the market's response. Just be sure to study

it for effectiveness before you use it. You want to be reasonable sure that it will work

before you put the idea to the test.

A final note: constantly review your results. Determine what worked and what did

not work. Keep an eye on your competition for what they are doing. This is an

ongoing process without end. It is the best way to go after the competition online,

and it will be the key to your success or failure.


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